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cellular effect 1

These patterns are beautiful with their cellular effects

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web fusion flower

Who does not know the Web effect ? They are incredibly beautiful

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agate gemstone gold & blue ( 2 courses )

Who does not know the Agate Gemstone ?

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sea flowers

Who does not know anemones living in the sea? They have a wide range of colors .

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spring flower green - yellow

Nowhere in the rules does it say that the center must be closed.

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františek čaník

Aj keď som nikdy s epoxidom nerobil, vďaka kurzom pre začiatočníkov som sa toho naučil naozaj veľa. Vrelo odporúčam.

Wow really nice course the blue coral

Joao fernandes

It’s okay 👍🏻

Сабина Сабирова

I was able to view the video on my home computer. My phone would not let me change privacy settings at all to view. I am glad I figured out how to watch it. It is very detailed and precise on all instructions. She is easy to understand as I am in the US. I am hoping to learn more from her other tutorials. Thank you very much for the Free Tutorial!


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